A Blog to Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth

Caramel Apple Crumble Muffins Recipe
The following recipe was developed by Ms. Marcy Meier Braselton, owner of Community Kitchen Atlanta. Visit Marcy’s website at www.communitykitchenatl.com for a host of taste-tempting recipes. Caramel Apple Crumble Muffins Muffins: 1/2 C cultured butter, room temperature 1/4 C granulated sugar 1/4 C light brown sugar 2 eggs 1 T vanilla bean paste 1 2/3 C Unbleached

Life From A Florida Swamp
Sarah and Jimi have spent years together walking through the Florida hardwoods and swamps, watching the beauty of the world around them. Some of these moments occurred in a tree-stand where they would enjoy four or five uninterrupted hours to open their souls to each other, whispering back and forth about what was happening in

Today is the last Friday of National Candy Month
Today is the last Friday of National Candy Month… some lucky follower will get a great gift from Southern Caramel. If you didn’t win, you can still order some of our delicious caramels and send them to someone that’s been kind to you! Have a great weekend!